Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Guest Speaker Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Guest Speaker - Lab Report Example This age is where baby boomers are retiring from work and the new generation will need to fill in those spaces. Leadership is also required because of the changing socio political atmosphere. Scarcity of resources aside, many problems raise heads because of uneven population distribution and poverty stricken areas. There is also a trend among people where they don’t take up the responsibilities and become answerable. This attitude has been given the acronym of ‘NIMBY’, short for ‘never in my back yard’. Due to rapid changes in technology, leadership becomes even more important as people need to be guided and directed about what to do and how to do. There is so much available on the internet, access to information has improved considerably therefore people are more aware of their laws and governments than ever before. Media also plays a vital role in leadership and government procedures. Administrations now work in glass houses, even minor mistakes are exposed through journalism and media. Lastly, there is an anti-tax attitude among people. There are always some percentages of people who are resistive to changes in legislations, no matter what kind of changes. Mr. Alexander E. Briseà ±o identified ten basic principles of leadership that he has followed throughout his career. Accurate and sound judgment is very important for a good administrative leader. Most of the decisions are made regarding costs and revenues, therefore correct judgment is vital. The leader needs to communicate his performance measures to his team and co-workers for a goal to achieve; correct judgment will make that possible. Empowering people is also crucial as it saves time on both sides of the bargaining counter. Efficient customer service seals the perfect deal. Having the knowledge of what is being done is required in every profession but for a leader,

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