Friday, November 22, 2019

Grams and Telegrams

Grams and Telegrams Grams and Telegrams Grams and Telegrams By Mark Nichol This post lists and defines words derived from the Greek term gramma, which pertains not only to a small weight, as in gram and compound words in which gram is the base, but also to letters (hence telegram) and writing (hence grammar). Words That Begin with Gram gram: a metric unit of weight equivalent to one one-thousandth of a kilogram, the base unit of weight in the metric system; gram is also an unrelated term for any of various legumes, such as chickpeas, and an informal variant of grandma gramarye (also gramarye): magic, enchantment, or necromancy (likely from the Old French term gramaire, which initially referred to any book written in Latin and came to pertain to a book of grammar or of magic) gramercy: an obsolete construction derived from â€Å"grand mercy,† a Middle English expression of gratitude or surprise based on the Anglo-French phrase grand merci (â€Å"great thanks†) grammar: the study or system of word classes and their inflections, functions, and interrelationships; the application of rules of grammar in speech and writing; a grammar textbook; and, by extension, principles and rules of a particular practice or technique, or a set of such guidelines grammar checker: software that evaluates grammar in writing used in electronic documents grammarian: one knowledgeable about grammar grammatical: pertaining to grammar grammatist: a strict grammar expert grammatolatry: worship of letters and words, especially in the context of devotion to Christian scripture Grammy: one of a number of awards given for excellence in recorded music (derived from gramophone; see gramophone, below); the plural is Grammys gramophile: one who collects or otherwise enjoys phonograph records gramophone: a former trademark for a brand of phonograph, or record player grimoire: a manual for calling demons and spirits (from an alteration in Old French of the word gramaire; see gramarye, above) Words That End with Gram aerogram: an obsolete term for an airmail letter, one specially designated for shipment on an airplane at a time when mail was usually sent by sea anagram: a word or phrase formed by transposing another word or phrase angiogram: an X-ray or gamma ray photograph produced by injecting a substance into blood vessels that is visible in the image cardiogram: a tracing of movements of the heart centigram: a metric unit of weight equivalent to one one-hundredth of a kilogram cryptogram: a message in cipher or code, or a figure or symbol with hidden significance dactylogram: a fingerprint diagram: a drawing, or a chart or plan, that explains or shows parts of an object or an organism; as a verb, to explain or show something with such a representation electroencephalogram: a tracing of brain waves hexagram: a six-pointed star (a similar figure is called Solomon’s seal) histogram: a visual record of frequency of occurrence hologram: a three-dimensional image, or the pattern producing the image derived from a laser beam or similar beam ideogram: a picture or symbol used to represent a thing or an idea rather than a word or phrase; also, a synonym for logogram (see logogram, below) kilogram: the basic unit of weight in the metric system, roughly equivalent to 2.2 pounds lipogram: a piece of writing deliberately written so that a particular letter of the alphabet is never used logogram: a sign such as an ampersand (), or a dollar sign, that represents a word mammogram: a photograph of breasts using X-rays for medical examination, or the procedure for producing a mammogram milligram: a metric unit of weight equivalent to one one-thousandth of a gram monogram: a sign that combines a person’s initials into one symbol pentagram: a five-sided star used as a symbol of magic or the occult phonogram: a character or symbol that represents a sound, syllable, or word pictogram: an ancient drawing or painting on rock, a symbol in a graphic system using pictures, or a representation of data using pictures (also called a pictograph) seismogram: a record, produced by a seismograph, of a tremor spectrogram: a diagram or image of the spectrum of light telegram: a message sent by telegraph tetragrammaton: the four Hebrew letters, usually represented by YHWH (Yahweh) or JHVH (Jehovah), constituting the name of God Gramineous and graminiverous, meaning, respectively â€Å"pertaining to grass† and â€Å"having a diet of grass,† are unrelated. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant Names10 Types of TransitionsWhat Is a Doctor?

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