Thursday, January 2, 2020

Career Planning from the Perspective of Management - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 790 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/03/11 Category Career Essay Level High school Tags: Career Plan Essay Did you like this example? Career Planning from the Perspective of Management I am very accustomed to spending a small amount of time to achieve great results. I used to prepare my resume only one day before the job interview and focusing on what should have been done until the very last minute of the competition. The results have always been good (or to say, not bad), so I just keep following this â€Å"last minute rule†. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Career Planning from the Perspective of Management" essay for you Create order I always feel that if I work hard for a few weeks or such, I can always get what I want. However, sometimes I do have some doubts: I have spent a whole weekend, forty-eight hours to modify my resume, why is it not good enough? Or I have spent a month practicing myself for an internship, why didn’t I have any results? I have already started preparing for the interview, and I have been practicing in a whole week, why is it not enough? Planning matters We all think that one weekend, one week, or one month is enough for preparing our important life events. In fact, it’s insignificant. I’ve been in the United States for about two years. During this time, I found that most of my classmate start their career planning in a very early stage, especially for job hunting. Their â€Å"unit† is not a few days or a couple of weeks, but a few years. I have seen countless sophomores writing their resumes before the start of the school, planning what kind of research and training skills they would like to gain for their sophomore year. They usually start interview practicing and start thinking about the company they want to go after their graduation. Step by step, right on target. This is the power of planning. Plan your future ahead of time and implement it based on your own situation and resources around you. The most typical is the 10,000-hour rule: if you want to be good at something, you have to work on it for at least 1 0,000 hours. When I want to give up a task I started a month ago, do other people still move forward with determination? When I feel that something is unfair, does other people take more time to execute and less time to complain? There is no crash in the world. The success of one’s life must be accumulated step by step. Motivation Can Be Used Not Only In Manage People But Manage Ourselves What all career problems have in common is the gap between the reality and what we expect. We hope that our careers are flat and direct. Instead, they may be a combination of internal desires and external pressures. The inner desires are always full of blessing, with a little bit of greed; but the external pressure always squeezes them, strong and ruthless. This kind of conflict is inevitable. The complexity of the real world gives our career multiple choices. In my opinion, no answer will guarantee your success and satisfaction in career issues, and a decision on an important career problem often leads to a series of unforeseen problems. It might be a bit frustrating because there are always unexpected situations breaking the original forecast, after that your plan must be adjusted accordingly. At this point, the motivation theory in applied management becomes even more important. Motivation is the forces that energize, direct and sustain a person’s efforts. Inspire yourself and affirm yourself, even if you encounter thorns, tell yourself that there is never an easy way to go. After recognizing this, it is easier to accept the various tests of various levels. Make Career Decisions And Make Informed Career Choices It is not easy to make career decisions through a rational process. It requires us to identify professional prospects, explore career choices, and study our own personality traits before we can explain our career choices to ourselves or others. I think collecting the career information we are interested in is a core part of career planning, and the choice of career depends on the information we collect. To determine if a job has the characteristics we want, we need to know: the nature of work; education/training experience; salary returns; working environment; employment and promotion prospects; personal satisfaction; related occupations, etc. Then, where to get such trivial and complex information? Ways to collect career information include accessing publications, communicating with incumbents or industry experts, and experimenting with actual work. In the process of collecting, it is necessary to ensure that the information is accurate, up-to-date, objective, comprehensive and easy to read, which will make our gains even greater. Works Cited â€Å"Flashcard Machine Create, Study and Share Online Flash Cards.† Lighting Design Flashcards,

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