Saturday, May 23, 2020

Why We Should Be Forced to Help the Poor Essay - 520 Words

Imagine living in a community where every minute of everyday you are hungry, under clothed, and at risk at death because you are poor. Now imagine waking up and your biggest problem was which sweater to wear with which jeans. Both are scenarios that occur on a daily basis in our countries, some more extreme than others. With that in mind, this raises the question of whether rich nations have an obligation to help those nations in need. People who earn above a certain income should be forced to donate 10% of their money to the poor because, it will help break the vicious circle of poverty, help the society at large to move forward, and lead to a more equitable distribution of wealth. The poor do not have the money to save; all of the†¦show more content†¦In a democratic society, like the U.S.A many successful people started off poor and only through hard work and determination, they manage to educate themselves to get a decent job and pull themselves out of poverty. Singapor e started as a fishing village with little to offer, and was only through the foresight of its government that basic education and health care, plus subsidized housing were provided free or at very subsidized rates to the poor. Today Singapore is an independent and developed country that enjoys some of the best living standards in the world. It also boasts an international financial center. Such success stories can be found in America, Western Europe, and Japan, where the poor at destitute are given a helping hand to advance themselves in society. There is huge disparity in income in all countries and if government policies do not help to narrow the gap it can easily lead to riots. If the poor has no food, no home and no hope for the future they will have nothing to loose but steal and cost chaos. Politicians in democratic countries need to get the popular vote to get elected and usually the poor form a bigger proportion of the population than the rich. An easy way to win the popul ar vote is to promise to take care of the well fare of the poor. In doing so, they need to tax the rich to get funding. This may not be sufficient and super rich should donate to charitable organizations. America has many philanthropists such as the Bill andShow MoreRelated Against Reinstating the Military Draft Essay1504 Words   |  7 Pagesto the country?s well being? Should we, as citizens, be allowed to evade this ultimate obligation by turning it over to the poorer members of society, those who cant find good-paying jobs or training except in the military? 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